e-scooter or bicycles

As a pedestrian, getting hit by an e-scooter can be traumatic, especially if you are injured. In some instances, the injuries can be very serious, as reported in The Straits Times on 25 February 2018 and 21 September 2016 where the accident left the victim in a coma for a month with severe head injuries.

If you ever find yourself in such a situation, remember to get the particulars of the e-scooter rider and collect evidence. Specifically, you should get the personal details of any witnesses who saw the accident. In terms of getting compensation, the process may not be so straightforward as compared to a motor vehicle accident. This is because, for motor vehicles, there is compulsory insurance for third-party claims but not for e-scooters, as stated in an interview to The New Paper.  However, with the help of a lawyer, you may still be able to claim compensation from the person responsible.

For more information please contact our motor vehicle accident and injury specialist lawyer, Raphael Louis from Ray Louis Law at +65-90908288